Articles Index

JavelinArt Coloring Books:  

We're including here the Color Plates that are B&W in the back of the books.

We've branched out to do Coloring Books for Guys!  Starting with Fighter Jets & Bombers!

Break out your colored pencils and have some Fun!

These books are available on and numerous other book sellers.

Synthesizer History:  Illustrated

Here is a fun article detailing the different types of synthesizers, a bit of history to go with the photos, and a look at the basic block diagrams for each type.

How many of these Synth Classics are you familiar with?

Oberheim XPANDER:  An Enigmatic Anomaly

Tom Oberheim set out to design the ultimate Analog synth and came up with the XPANDER, then the MATRIX-12 it's big brother.

It contains more modules internally than any other Analog synth I've ever seen!  

The Controller Matrix (it's signature feature) is phenomenal!

Oberheim Matrix 12:  Patch Demos

The Matrix 12 is an older Analog synth, but don't expect it to sound anything like the older Analogs you know, all hummy and buzzy like a Moog.  The Matrix 12 can sound that way, but with creative patch programming it doesn't have to!

Yamaha VP1:  Patch Demos

Ever wondered what some of the more useful patches on the VP1 sound like?

I've created a collection of new demo songs for the VP1, which will expand as I get more time on the synthesizer.  I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!

VP1 KHO1002 now has a new Display and a new Programming Interface!  I have temporary custody of this beautiful instrument.

Yamaha VP1:  The Secret Instrument Nobody Knows

I have an extraordinary instrument to reveal, the amazing Yamaha VP1 synthesizer, which almost nobody knows any details about.  I've managed to get some addition details from Manny Fernandez, one of the VP1's patch programmers, and from the patch Editor I managed to find.

And I have an illustrated guide written for the VP1 Editor which reveals it's inner workings...  Interested?

Creating a Realistic FM Piano Patch

Yes, it can be done!  Knowing how the Piano is constructed and how the harmonics work, you CAN model a Piano accurately in FM.  Check out the Piano patch I created on my FS1R.

All of the details are in the article, and you can download the patch here too.

"The Styx Strikers", A Mecha Adventure Novel by Thor Z.

I've written a full length SciFi novel to fit into the Battletech game world, focusing on adventure rather than politics like the existing novels do.  It's fun!  I think you might like it.

And, Mechwarrior-5 is came out at the end of 2019, Ooh-Rah!

Can a midi file match Human Performance?

Midi files generally sound pretty bland, but can they sound like a real person is playing?  Absolutely!  You just have to know how to do it.  (and I have a Secret Weapon...)

The 'Acoustic Modeling' Technics SX-WSA1R

This Synthesizer makes it easy to create custom Acoustic instrument sounds, mixed into crazy, unique combinations.  It beats the Yamaha VL1 in several aspects!

Dissecting The Technics SX-WSA1R

Lets take a closer look at the internals of this unique synth and see what we can find.                The Resonator Filters in this synth are quite phenomenal.

Drum Solos Rock

Drum solos can be somewhat confusing at times.  What we really need to find are some truly melodic drum solos for a change.

I located a few!  Enjoy.

an image

Meet The CheeseHead...

"I jumped on the counter and helped myself to an entire block of Cheese!

 I am in Soooooo much trouble!"

Sadly Chianna is gone now, but we have Talon to entertain us now!

FM Synthesizers - Programming Guide

A visual How-To Guide on programming FM synthesizers 

Start from a recording and get the sound you really want out of your FM Synthesizer.

The Baffling Yamaha FS1R

A Technical Review of the amazing Yamaha FS1R Synthesizer.

Yamaha FS1R Fseq Editor

The existing fseq editors sound synthetic and scratchy so I programmed a new Editor.

The sequences this one creates sound superb, exactly like you expect.

Yamaha FS1R - Human Voices

This Synth can do amazing human voices.  I've used the timbre of Christina Aguilera's lower voice register to create a very realistic voice patch.  Here's how.

Yamaha PLG100-SG - Voice Card

This unknown Yamaha synth plugin card can sing using realistic human voices, but the manuals are all in Japanese... Not anymore. I translated the manuals into English so the card is usable now!

Yamaha VL Synths vs VST's

VST's are the latest in synth technology, but what about their predecessors?  

The Yamaha VL Virtual Acoustic synthesizers are an interesting option, now that prices have dropped on all of the older hardware.

Metal Artwork

Here are some of the Metal Art pieces that I've done.

I used to have a commercial art website, but my Robotics company takes up too much time.

email me if you have questions: